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The World Cup in Brazil estimates to attract 500 thousand foreign tourists during the games.The estimate of Embratur and the Ministry of Tourism is close to the public numbers by countries like U.S., France, Japan and South Korea in recent Cups, but below the number of tourists received by Germany (923 thousand).


Today, every foreign tourist who visits the events in Brazil spends on average U.S. $ 112.34 (about $ 200) per day. But this figure must be much higher during the Cup, the second estimate of the Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies of São Paulo (ABAV-SP), which expects to bill $ 2.5 billion in the period.

In the Pantanal and Bonito, the choice of Campo Grande by FIFA to be one of the 12 seats in the 2014 Cup, Mato Grosso do Sul will certainly be a perfect setting for the attraction of thousands of tourists who come to Brazil for the global competition.

According to the director of international affairs of the national ABAV, Leonel Rossi Junior, expects a greater movement of tourists in Brazil.

"When the Cup is in another country, there are few Brazilians who travel. But when you get a Cup is different. For 30 days there are tourists from other countries beside the movement of people within Brazil, "he said.

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