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The first Balkan Sponsoring Forum (BSF), initiated and organized by WWP Weirather-Wenzel and Partner and the European Sponsoring Exchange (ESB), was a complete success for both sides!

The first Balkan Sponsoring Forum (BSF), initiated and organized by WWP Weirather-Wenzel and Partner and the European Sponsoring Exchange (ESB), was a complete success for both sides! In Sofia, Bulgaria renowned participants, all at the top of their field, discussed and gave reports on a total of 6 topics related to the economic and communicative opportunities in the Balkan region. The event was so well received by guests and representatives of the most important media and sports groups in Bulgaria that WWP and ESB want to host and plan an extended 2nd Balkan Sponsoring Forum in 2009 in order to establish a long-term and professional networking platform for the eastern European sponsorship market.

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